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National Burned Children Camp Phoenix

What we do and Why ....

Camp Phoenix provides an opportunity for children recovering from burn injuries to meet other children who share similar feelings and experiences. The weeklong camp gives these children temporary freedom from the everyday frustrations of being burned, a chance to share their stories and to bond with each other. It’s a week full of friendship, sharing, and activities that provide physical and emotional challenges to invoke a feeling of accomplishment no matter how small. Campers and adult burn survivors share their stories and emotions, especially shame and fear, about their recovery. The shame will remain forever, however the fears can be turned into challenges with support of other survivors and by having a new outlook on life. They become a valuable member of the Phoenix family, which helps the children feel more comfortable and in control of their anxieties and panic when receiving negative reactions or when asked what has happened. Most of all, camp is a place to have fun, learn new things, find acceptance and build self esteem. 

Camp Phoenix Goals:


To have a fun-filled outdoor adventure


To create a sense of community by providing a place where campers can learn about themselves and others with similar experiences


To promote each child’s unique abilities and strengths as steps in enhancing self acceptance


To introduce campers to dynamic role models by including adult burn survivors as Camp Phoenix volunteers


To promote opportunities to learn about working in groups as well as in one-on-one interactions among their peers


Most importantly - HAVE FUN! and enjoy a great time with friends new and old


National Burned Children Camp 2023

National Burned Children Camp 2022


National Burned Children Camp 2020


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Dear Campers, Family, and Friends,


We are sad to announce that our 30th National Camp Phoenix 2020 is canceled because of the loss of most of our charity fundraisers caused by the virus. Most parents are still afraid to send their children to Camp Phoenix because it is held in Washington, considered a hot spot for the virus. Camp Phoenix is 30% of the Burned Children Recovery Foundation's annual budget. The other 70% of the funding needed is for family support and financial assistance for transportation, meals, lodging during surgery's, rehabilitation, medical and hobby cost's to keep involved with life outside the home. Please continue to support our children during this national crises and we look forward to 2021 Camp Phoenix. Thank you for supporting our children, it means a lot.


Blessings to everyone,

Michael and Kathleen Mathis
Burned Children Recovery Foundation

National Burned Children Camp 2019

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Produced by Marvin Morazen, Creative Director of Media at
Documentary Filmmaker based In Portland, Oregon.

National Burned Children Camp 2018

National Burned Children Camp Phoenix 2017 

Thank you to all the sponsors, families, volunteers, staff, and most importantly the children who made 2017 possible. The Burned Children Recovery Foundation had an incredible time at this year's Camp Phoenix. We had a full house with more children than previous years - many of whom had never attended in the past.  Camp ran August 12 to 18. 


Looking forward to Camp Phoenix 2018 - Any child that is burned, living in the United States and age 18 and under may apply for camp. We pay for all expenses for campers including airfare. Staff that are flying in will need to pay for your own airfare.  Campers,  please pass this info along to any friends that you have that are burned. We can't wait to see many of you again at Camp Phoenix! 

#burncamps  #burnedchildren #CampPhoenixburncamp #burnsupportforchildren


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